The Landscape Academy
Shape your future with our expert guidance Supporting your mental health and wellbeing
26/03/2020 Reading time: 1 minute The Landscape Academy

We are all certainly experiencing some unprecedented times at the moment, with information and news changing very quickly. At The Landscape Academy we realise this is a very difficult time for many, and thought we would share some top mental health tips from our mental Heath Partner MHFA. They’ve produced some helpful and informative guidance for your wellbeing. View their PDF here.

The NHS also run the Every Mind Matters campaign and can direct you to the appropriate help and advice by taking a short online quiz.

Mind also have some really useful guidance and contact numbers if you feel you need to chat to someone.

Another good website to check out is Headspace who are offering free meditation and advice during this time of crisis.

Please remember to look after yourselves during these uncertain times, and stay safe!

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